// Chi è Marina Spadafora?
Marina Spadafora è ambasciatrice di moda etica nel mondo.
Ha radici profonde nella moda avendo avuto il proprio brand e collaborato con Ferragamo, Prada, Miu Miu e Marni. È stata direttore creativo di Auteurs du Monde, il brand fair trade di Altro Mercato, lavorando con artigiani in tutto il mondo.
Marina è professore di moda etica presso prestigiose accademie in Italia e all’estero. Il lavoro di Marina ha sempre incluso una forte attenzione per il sociale e l’ecologia, ritenendo che l’etica e l’estetica possano coincidere. Il suo motto è “Fashion with a Mission”.
Marina lavora per portare lo sviluppo in paesi emergenti attraverso la sua piattaforma FWAM, Fashion with a Mission. È la coordinatrice nazionale italiana di Fashion Revolution.
Marina ha ricevuto il premio Women Together delle Nazioni Unite nel 2015 a New York e ha fatto un TEDx Talk sulla moda sostenibile nel 2014. Nel 2020 ha scritto il libro “La rivoluzione comincia dal tuo armadio” con Luisa Ciuni pubblicato da Solferino Libri.
// Who’s Marina Spadafora?
Marina Spadafora is a Fair Fashion ambassador in the world.
She has deep roots in Fashion having had her own brand and collaborated with Ferragamo, Prada, Miu Miu and Marni. She has been the creative director of Auteurs du Monde, the Fair Trade brand of Altromercato, working with artisans all over the world.
Marina is a professor of ethical fashion at prestigious academies in Italy and abroad. Her work has always included a strong focus on social issues and ecology, believing that ethics and aesthetics can coincide. Her motto is “Fashion with a Mission”.
Marina works to bring development to emerging countries through her FWAM platform. She is also the Italian national coordinator of Fashion Revolution.
Marina has received the United Nations Women Together Award in 2015 in New York and gave a TEDx Talk on sustainable fashion in 2014. In 2020 she wrote the book “The revolution starts from your wardrobe” with Luisa Ciuni published by Solferino Libri.
Academic Career

– 2018>2021
Thesis Supervisor
Master Professor at “Fashion Design 1: Ethics and Sustainability in the Fashion Industry

Domus Academy
– 2019
Master in Sustainability

– 2016>2017
“ETHICAL FASHION” Online course for Parsons School of Design, New York City.

Fashion Institute of Technology
– 2014>2015
Visiting Professor

Chavón School of Design
– 2015>2017
Director of Fashion Program for entire School
Professor of Fashion Design, Ethical Fashion, Career in Fashion and Textiles

– 2009>2013
Fashion Design Professor to 4th Year Student and Thesis Advisor

IED – 2018>2021
Thesis Supervisor
Master Professor at “Fashion Design 1: Ethics and Sustainability in the Fashion Industry

Domus Academy – 2019
Master in Sustainability

PARSON – 2016>2017
“ETHICAL FASHION” Online course for Parsons School of Design, New York City.

Fashion Institute of Technology – 2014>2015
Visiting Professor

Chavón School of Design – 2015>2017
Director of Fashion Program for entire School
Professor of Fashion Design, Ethical Fashion, Career in Fashion and Textiles

NABA – 2009>2013
Fashion Design Professor to 4th Year Student and Thesis Advisor